Should I go to college or not? #highereducation

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1 year ago

Should I go to college or not?: A Rebuttal.

Many people think that going to college is the best way to prepare for a successful career and a prosperous life. They believe that college will provide them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and credentials to land a good job and earn a good income.

They also think that college will expose them to new ideas, cultures, and experiences that will enrich their personal and professional development. But what if these assumptions are wrong? What if there are better ways to achieve your goals and dreams than spending four years or more in an expensive institution?

In this piece, I will argue that the purpose of going to college can be better served in other ways, such as blue collar work or online home business. First of all, let's examine the claim that college will help you get a good job and earn a good income. This may have been true in the past, when college degrees were rare and valuable, and when the economy was based on manufacturing and services.

However, times have changed, and so have the demands of the labor market.

to a report by the World Economic Forum, the top skills that employers will look for in 2025 are analytical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, self-management, active learning, resilience, and emotional intelligence.

These are not skills that can be easily taught or tested in a classroom setting. They are skills that require practice, experience, and feedback in real-world situations. Moreover, these skills are not exclusive to white collar jobs. They can be applied to any kind of work, including blue collar work or online home business.

Blue collar work refers to manual labor jobs that involve physical skills, such as construction, plumbing, welding, carpentry, electrician, mechanic, etc. These jobs may not sound glamorous or prestigious, but they offer many benefits that college graduates may not enjoy. For instance, blue collar workers can start earning money right after high school or after completing a short-term vocational training program.

They do not have to accumulate student debt or waste time on irrelevant courses. They can also enjoy more job security and stability, as their skills are always in demand and cannot be easily outsourced or automated. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, some of the fastest-growing occupations in the next decade are blue collar jobs, such as solar photovoltaic installers, wind turbine service technicians, home health aides, personal care aides, etc.

These jobs also pay well, with median annual wages ranging from $24,200 to $52,910. Online home business refers to any kind of business that can be operated from home using the internet and digital technologies.

Examples of online home businesses are e-commerce, blogging, podcasting, video production, web design, graphic design, online tutoring, content creation, affiliate marketing, etc. These businesses offer many advantages over traditional jobs or businesses. For example, online home business owners can work from anywhere and anytime they want. They do not have to commute or follow a fixed schedule.

They can also choose their own niche and target market. They can express their creativity and passion through their products or services. They can also scale their business without hiring employees or renting office space.

According to Statista, the global e-commerce market size was $4.28

in 2020 and is expected to grow to $6.38 trillion by 2024. This shows the huge potential and opportunity for online home business owners. In conclusion, I have argued that going to college is not the only or the best way to prepare for a successful career and a prosperous life.

I have shown that there are alternative ways to acquire the skills and knowledge that employers will look for in the future, such as blue collar work or online home business. These alternatives offer more flexibility, freedom, satisfaction, and income potential than college degrees.

Therefore, I urge you to reconsider your decision to go to college and explore other options that may suit your interests and goals better!

Alpha Lim, Growth-mindset Home Business Daddy
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