Martin Armstrong's new and very strange economic commentary

1 year ago

so one of the first things I've been seeing a lot on your side in terms of the blog is I called like a louder echo as far as the central bank digital currencies go and I was reading one of your articles that goes on the private blog talking about how you know they're just gonna implement this this and it's gonna be like banking as usual only we're gonna wake up and they're gonna know everything about us they're gonna do direct taxation from your perspective how likely is a central bank digital currency system going to happen in the happen and how quickly could you see this thing implemented in all 50 states
Martin Armstrong responded as follows:
I don't think there's any question it's going through they have no choice and this is what people don't understand the main reason for this is because they cannot continue to borrow year after year with no intention of paying anything back then you take the neocons who care less about the economy only one is war so you have them bashing China for example but China is the largest buyer of US debt so now they've been starting to sell everything and if you don't have basically the the people to simply buy the debt this is the problem so we're reaching a point where you're not going to be able to to do that it's just they need a reset and that's I mean look Schwab has been taking our I think whatever we do Schwab seems to do the opposite of whatever but his great reset is our 2032 and we're saying that you know that's when Republican forms the government decline etc and and then we get to rebuild something completely new he's just trying to push it in his direction but you know we've reached a point where we can no longer continue to just borrow year after year and it was zero intention of paying anything back I mean about 70 % of the US national debt is help widows and orphans it's it's just interest going out to to those that are holding the debt it's the biggest transfer of wealth probably in humanity so you know all this nonsense about all we can you know from it from back in the 60s you couldn't borrow against like an e -bot it was illegal all right and after Bretton Woods that's when effectively all that kind of disappeared and so before Bretton Woods you had the theory that it was it was less inflationary to borrow than to print now a lot of you know people still you know talk about that but once they took the debt and they made it fungible that you could you want trade futures your posty bills all right so all before Bretton Woods you had the theory that it was it was less inflationary to borrow than to print now a lot of you know people still you know talk about that but once they took the debt and they made it fungible that you could you want trade futures your posty bills all right so all of a sudden the debt is just money that pays interest. So all this nonsense, people watching the Federal Reserve, all the balance sheet, that's very nice. But nobody's paying attention to what Congress does. And they're printing money more than any central bank would ever do. So that's really what's going on. And they need this central bank digital currency and they basically will use that to control everything. I'm about ready to put out a book on it. And you have to understand that these people are really pretty devious. All right. Why did Victoria Newland hop on a plane and go to Niger? A lot of people are like, you know, so what's a coup in Niger got to do with why was it so important for her to hop on a plane? Because they blew up the North Stream pipeline and they promised Europe, keep your mouth shut and we'll build a pipeline from Nigeria to Europe. But it went through Niger. Then there was a coup in Niger and all of a sudden the pipeline wasn't going to go. That's why she hopped on a plane. So a lot of people aren't really, you know, fully aware of all the shenanigans that are going on behind the scenes. Now, they promised Nigeria that they would do this pipeline and they said, okay, fine, we want you to be the test case for the central bank digital currency. They basically canceled all the currency with digital and there were massive riots burning banks. I mean, I mean, you can Google it and you'll see it's just unbelievable. But that was the test case. Now, what these people in Washington and Brussels say, well, it shouldn't go that way because Nigeria was really about a 60 % cash economy. Where the United States estimates it 20%, Europe estimates it at 35. So their view of going to a digital currency, what's the incentive? It's got nothing to do with the economy. It's more taxes. They're worried that you hired that 1

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