“Feelings” & Chaos: How Leftism Uses Irrationality to Overturn Society

1 year ago

Hunt for Trump Unleashed by Emotivism: Belief that Emotions Signal Truth

Burning, Pyrrhic Leftism: It’s become increasingly clear that Leftism is committed to winning the political war by doubling down on chaos -- so-called a pyrrhic victory, where both parties must end up destroyed. Why? First, because this is leadership by emotion, which breeds chaos. Second, liberals panic while observing how human nature inevitably turns towards logic and clarity, whenever possible, but especially during disasters.

Human Chaos: Especially when human chaos itself drives failure, fear and collapse. But notice how Leftism, and all Woke, Gender & Trans advocates riff off an emotional core which can’t be defeated because it’s not based on logic or core arguments built upon syllogisms, arguing truth. And so these people can’t be defeated in traditional debate.

Tsunamis of Brainwashing: While this essay is not a Trump defense, consider how Donald’s presidential win bred a Krakatoa-eruption level of propaganda. Trump’s early menace had to be immediately dosed with outlandish and wholly false accusations, so Donald would be transformed into a devil. Nonetheless, Trump’s radical efficiency and persuasion was so impressive, it had to be specifically singled out for destruction.

Craven Leftist Sabotage: But notice the diseased center -- mindless US residents became so marinated in coordinated propaganda, that -- driven by tidal waves of media brainwashing, many now instinctively revolt. There can be no defying Big Mama Govt. This dreadful metastasized matriarchy hunts every red-blooded, liberty-based citizen!

Propaganda + Postmodernism = US Lib Zombie Army: It’s crucial we understand that there is a cataract, a gaping hole left behind by the collapsing Church. Here are the lost and teeming millions who have no firm beliefs, ready for a propaganda immersion to build a creed to fight for. Just consider how many of our young have adapted to Woke & Trans beliefs, whom -- despite these lacking a logical foundation -- consider them a holy cause worthy of screaming violent resistance to save these new “rights.” Recall, Postmodernism is the ‘current’ claim that no “truth” exists, so the subsequent battle for control allows leftists to assert their will. Nietzsche taught this in his infamous Will to Power. But the “truth” that there is no truth can’t be accurate as it self-destructs.

Emotivism: Emotion as Truth: Now, bear in mind that those who have jettisoned the truth need a replacement. And the easiest and most satisfying approach is to take the emotions one feels and turn this into a philosophical belief system. This is CLEARLY what the gargantuan sea of US Marxists have done. But also explains why these modern leftists cannot defend their beliefs. So in public forums they attack, bark, foam at the mouth and howl. But cannot make a coherent argument, so scorn, obfuscation & menace takes the place of debate. See the theory of Emotivism:
Emotivism is the view that ethical judgments are simply expressions of approval or disapproval. For the emotivist, the statement “this is good” means roughly “I approve of this” or “hurrah for this”. Most people would agree that ethical statements contain expressions of approval or disapproval. But the claim of emotivism is stronger. It asserts such statements are nothing other than expressions of preference.
Dem’s Poisonous Intellectual Brood: So, we can see from the above argument that the current philosophy espoused by US Democrats is wholly fallacious. But Dems know this and realize their only hope is to mis-educate American kids into their pernicious and wholly corrupt creed. And so US kids in public schools are taught the basics of all leftism, and tropes like Woksim and Gender & Race dogma, without any logic. America will be lucky to dodge collapse.
Now consider the following leftist intellectual errors…

Instant Womanhood: Leftism depends upon readying the public for --- always the next wild change, at the blink of an eye. Consider -- if Socialists can train us to accept this one variable, then everything else follows. For example, women once had rights. But, what happens when these hardfought rights are then swallowed by any man instantly claiming to transition to female? If continued, women’s sports will be destroyed, which is already occurring.

Feminism Triumphs, Then Dies: Today, we’re forced to view Feminism’s death in exchange for the Trans Follies, for only one can be true. Results are that binary gender is dismantled. So, tossing out logic, any kid who imagined themselves as the opposite gender for one second must be doused with hormones and desexed. Human Nature hung on the gallows!

Speaking of Weird: Consider Trump is increasingly prosecuted for many different acts: akin to spitting on sidewalks for a felony. Contra, Joe & Hunter Biden rake in millions from America’s enemies, lie their A***s off, while the DOJ yawns, high-fives & laughs! But every indignity against the Donald justifies the next!

Guillotine Time: For the psychology behind this, consider David Hume’s Is/Ought Fallacy, where just because something is being done, that alone proves it’s acceptable. Also called the Guillotine Argument. See Skeptic’s -- Is/Ought Fallacy:

Ever since the Enlightenment philosopher David Hume outlined the “Is-Ought” problem—that we cannot derive an ought from an is, or we cannot determine the way something ought to be morally based on the way things are…people have struggled to figure out on what basis should moral values be grounded. Of course, theists argue that God is that grounding, but what if you don’t believe in God? Is everything relative, including murder?

Death of Science: Again, how easily were Americans cowed into obeisance over a bug, while Tony Faucci lied for years about The Virus. Outcome: a weaponized CDC w/ warning against criticizing the COVID cult. The mask & shutdown brouhaha is over, but the anti-science cult rolls on, as displayed in countless Global Warming, and now Trans warnings. But since a majority of published, peer-reviewed scientific papers’ claims cannot be reproduced, doesn’t this mean propaganda supplants science? See, Why Most Published Research Findings Are False -- by 70%!!

War Against Trump is Destroying America’s Legal System: It’s understood that for Democrats to have any chance of keeping the White House, Donald Trump must be stopped. But is it really worth breaking the US Legal System to stop one single person?

Loss of Rule of Law = Death of Truth: Somehow, when law is watered down to become just another victim of the Postmodern plague, then Truth and God are also victims. Why? Well, consider reality comes from somewhere -- that is, human’s ability to view society and turn it into understanding and theory. And the biblical God, whether taken as Truth, or just a theory -- easily creates reality in a unified format. Therefore, God as the author of law & the definer of truth, when he is pushed out of the picture, dies -- just as Nietszche predicted.

Death of Decalogue: Now, when these elements of Truth & reality die, then quite obviously respect & reverence for, and belief in God die as well. Consider, for example, a culture ignorant of the 10 Commandments and so opposed to these teachings? The aftermath is a loss of legal structure, or our Constitution. Now, imagine existing without our precious Bill of Rights!

Death by Nihilism: As a result of losing a belief in God, and therefore the teachings of His law, and its application to human society, humanity dies. We saw this in USSR after Marxism took over. This is Nihilism, or the death of rules:

Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. While few philosophers would claim to be nihilists, nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche who argued that its corrosive effects would eventually destroy all moral, religious, and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the greatest crisis in human history.

What happened before might happen again, as we see the supposed Great Reset being arraigned to bring all humans back to socialism. But at least, let’s admit, we’re at one of the most perilous times in human history. Further, the average American now dislikes Capitalism and opines America was a big mistake. So what will be the result of this Neo-Marxist Revolution?!!

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