SWTOR - The Rise of Darth Nox - Full Movie

1 year ago

Ravaged by the Great War, the Sith Order allows Force-sensitive slaves into its ranks. Most slaves are too weak to complete the trials. But one slave displays incredible cunning and a fearsome talent for the dark side. Begrudgingly instructed by Overseer Harkun, the slave acolyte conquers the trials, dominates a Dashade assassin named Khem Val into servitude, and overwhelms the other students, including a Sith pureblood groomed for success. Despite Overseer Harkun’s attempts to sabotage the slave and preserve the pure Sith legacy, the acolyte triumphs to become a Sith inquisitor. The enigmatic Sith Lord Zash embraces the inquisitor as her apprentice, beginning the former slave’s ascension to power.
This is the Story of Darth Nox!

PC HD at 2K 1440p 60fps - Full Movie Cutscenes.
Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR) - Sith Inquisitor Full Movie.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:11 A Slave on Korriban
00:28:36 Dromund Kaas
00:41:57 Darth Skotia's Death
00:55:23 My Ancestor Lord Kallig
01:06:20 Balmorra's Artefact
01:23:21 Nar Shaddaa's Artefact
01:37:42 Lord Paladius Death
01:40:54 Lord Kallig's Mask
01:46:43 Alderaan's Artefact
02:02:20 Tatooine's Pirate
02:17:55 Lord Kallig's Lightsaber
02:25:54 Darth Zash's Ritual
02:34:53 Darth Thanaton's Trap
02:40:36 The Force Walker Ritual
02:46:15 Darth Thanaton Strikes
02:50:20 Taris and Ashara's Ghost
03:07:55 The Death of my Apprentices
03:11:17 My Old Friend Harkun
03:13:27 The Last Ghost of Hoth
03:30:10 Lord Kallig Vs Darth Thanaton
03:37:06 Checking on Harkun
03:41:28 Belsavis Machine
03:52:28 Moff Pyron's Offer
03:54:06 The Dream Walker Ritual on Voss
04:20:20 My New Apprentice
04:22:51 The Silencer and the Moffs Alliance
04:27:12 The Kaggath Challenge
04:29:41 Darth Decimus and Correlia's War
04:44:19 Jedi Master Corin Tok
04:47:03 Alliance with Darth Decimus
04:51:55 The Green Jedi
04:53:59 Jedi Master Arlan Ramos
04:56:58 Darth Thanaton Vs Lord Kallig Kaggath
04:59:18 Lord Skar
05:07:52 Darth Thanaton fleeing Kaggath
05:11:20 The Rise of Darth Nox (Darth Thanaton's Death)
05:19:37 All the Ghosts

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