Conflict between Justin Trudeau and Narendra Modi #AmitShah & #Jaishankar #NarendraModi

1 year ago

The relationship between Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, and Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has witnessed its fair share of both cooperation and contention.

One of the significant areas of contention between the two leaders has been centered around trade and economic issues. Trade disputes, including those related to agricultural products, have at times strained the bilateral relationship. Both leaders have faced challenges in finding common ground on trade policies, leading to periods of trade tension.

Another area of tension has been Canada's stance on human rights issues and its vocal advocacy for human rights, particularly with regard to India's handling of issues such as Kashmir and the treatment of religious and ethnic minorities. This has occasionally led to friction, with India viewing Canada's positions as interference in its internal affairs.

However, it's important to note that despite these areas of conflict, Trudeau and Modi have also worked together on various international platforms, such as the G20 and the Commonwealth. They have both expressed a commitment to strengthening the Canada-India relationship, particularly in areas like education, technology, and clean energy.

In recent years, efforts have been made to overcome differences and promote cooperation between the two nations. The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations and increased people-to-people ties are some of the positive developments in the relationship.

Overall, the relationship between Justin Trudeau and Narendra Modi has been characterized by a mixture of cooperation and conflict, reflecting the complex nature of international diplomacy and the divergent interests of their respective countries. Both leaders have shown a willingness to engage in dialogue and find common ground on various issues, even as they navigate their differences.

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