'PODIUM GATE # 2 WOW!! THAT'S CROOKED! 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽 - eternalblackproject - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Sep 29, 2016


Bill Clinton meets secret agent with briefcase at Debate, gets papers, then the same agent sneaks the podium monitor into his briefcase 10 minutes after debate, all caught on CSPAN video of meeting HERE; https://youtu.be/QbHxuLDgPs8

I.m tired of the bullshit water claim, I don't care if they verified it was Hillary's Birthday, and it was her cake, whatever would have been to help cover up the important stuff with wires. Fact is 5 guys spend 5 minutes digging under that podium, they execute a 5 man scrum to retrieve something. And there should have been NOTHING and nobody near her podium,and the idiot should not of snatched her folder. Raises way too much suspicion. They looked like they were pulling of a bank heist for 12 minutes, with no one interested vin shaking their hands or even paying them much attention It was an Illuminati operation to save the white house for the Illuminati
Between 2:15 and 2:58, a crooked campaign operative removes Hillary's folder from her Podium, and hands them over to an NBC Debate operative. This folder contained the questions Lester Holt was asking of them, Basically, they are saying, She new the questions ahead of the debate. Of course the camera cuts off at the exact crucial moment. The Debate committee was in on the conspiracy. Watch again.

NEW PERSPECTIVES AND FULL COVERAGE OF THE 3o minutes after the debate at CSPAN 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽

Watch Hillary, Bill, and a group of operatives sneak a large item out of Hillary's podium, and the item is clearly seen, and the sneaky acts are seen 10 minutes after debate ends, JUST WATCH AND LEARN.

a button, receiver presidential debate
september 26, 2015

2016 Presidential debate Sept 26th Debate #1

2016 Presidential debate Sept 26th Debate #1 Donald TRUMP Vs. Hillary Clinton (FULL DEBATE) Unedited with crowd and candidate interactions after the debate. Recorded live.
Lester Holt (Moderator) (1 hr 38 minutes)

Hillary Clinton (Democrat)
Donald Trump (Republican)
Donald J. Trump
Donald J Trump
Donald John Trump
Hillary R. Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Mike Pence (V.P) Republican= Indiana Governor
Tim Kaine (V.P) Democrat = Senator Virginia
September 29th 2016
Start time was 6:00 P.M Pacific
Start Time was 10:00 P.M eastern
Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y.
Moderator: Lester Holt, NBC News
Candidates: Hillary Clinton; Donald Trump.

Format: The candidates were to spend a half-hour each (two 15-minute segments) on three broad topics, selected by Holt: America’s direction, achieving prosperity, securing America.

In each segment, the moderator was to pose a question and candidates were to have two minutes each to respond.

The rest of the time were to be used for candidates to respond to each other and for the follow-up questions from the moderator.
Podium gate"

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