1 year ago

In this clip from the World Health Sovereignty Summit 2023, Sacha Stone pays heartfelt homage to the late innovator Jim Humble. In his tribute, Stone highlights Humble's groundbreaking contributions to health sovereignty, setting the tone for an insightful and profound exploration into Humble's life and work.

Experience "A Humble Journey," an immersive documentary by renowned filmmaker Sacha Stone. Filmed in sunny California, this cinematic exploration delves into the extraordinary life and legacy of Jim Humble, a true 21st-century hero.

WATCH "A HUMBLE JOURNEY' HERE: https://sachastone.com/2022/01/17/a-humble-journey/

**The 2023 World Health Sovereignty Summit, hosted by Sacha Stone is uniting the world's leading medical scientists & health sovereignty advocates in a consensus drive toward ending medical tyranny and pharmaceutical hegemony. Join our standing army for manifesting change and make yourself heard at:


Watch the REPLAY of September 11th 2023 Live Broadcast also via the link above.
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#bigpharma #plandemic #deepstate #ariseguerrillanews #newearthhorizon
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