While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles ~ The Many May Look, but They Cannot See...

1 year ago

As I wrote within the Music Video itself, at a certain point within The Beatles, while George Harrison still didn't write the Most Songs, he began to write the Best Ones...and, While My Guitar Gently Weeps is a Perfect Example of this Truth, as George imprinted his Deep Spiritualism on these Brilliant Beatles Albums, thru his Allegorical Songs, that made us think of the Christed Ones who came before us, and taught us not to just Look, but to Actually SEE...

Within this Song, George spoke from his Third Eye, thru his Risen Christ Consciousness, that allowed him to sit upon High and literally SEE what was truly happening within the World, and thus, George wrote from the perspective of Sympathy and Empathy, Care and Compassion, therefore, his Guitar was Weeping for all those that were LOST in a Maritime Admiralty Sea of Lies, where they could not See the Truth, and just kept Hurrying along, from one Feeding Station to the next, as Good Little Rats, in the Race that became a Lifetime...

And please note, that George wrote the song as an Allegory for the Few who were FOUND, taking Pity upon All those who were Truly LOST; and remember, Jesus Never Spoke but in Parables; thus, this Song is sung from thru and from the Perspective of Jesus Christ, who DID take Pity upon all those who were Lost and could Not See...

So, enjoy this Beautiful Video, and soak in all of the messages from George, and all of the Kindness that he showed throughout the Song...

Love, CF

So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

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Justin Carpenter:

Aaron X Jesse:


Enjoy, Love, CF

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