Why Psychedelics Are Illegal

1 year ago

Because it opens up 4 lane highways out of the cookie cutter control concepts and methods of the Matrix.

The Matrix Is just a big spider web seeking to prevent you from leaving the house and thinking for yourself and weighing and measuring what exactly is true as you see fit.

Think for yourself.
Remember this /
Fear is always a component of Control Mechanisms

The whole world is quite literally booby trapped. They could easily remove porn from the internet but it does such a great job of sapping men of all of their vital spiritual energy - and destroys the family unit and wrecks marriages and most of all leaves helpless children in physically & mentally more vulnerable environments that it’s a real mainstay of the Matrix.

The Great Distractions Of The Matrix

Endless Amounts Of Progressively Perverted Pornography

Professional Sports / False Idols
Satanic Music Industry / False Idols
Satanic Hollywood/ False Idols

Thomas W. Trefts

📰 From September 2023 Forward.

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2.) Janet Yellen Arrested for Treason | Real Raw News

3.) JAG Convicts “mRNA Queen” Melissa Moore | Real Raw News

4.) JAG Nabs Another CDC Cretin | Real Raw News

5.) White Hats Shoot Down FEMA Plane Leaving Hawaii | Real Raw News

6.) Marines in Maui: “We’re in the Shit!” | Real Raw News

Commanded by General Charles Flynn ( ?!? )Wikipedia


7.) White Hats Arrest Vaccine Tyrant Base Commander in California | Real Raw News

8.) White Hats to Disable Phones, Mobile Devices During FEMA EAS Test on October 4 | Real Raw News

9.) Navy SEALs Save Missing Maui Children | Real Raw News

10.) Treasonous Army CSM Who Planned War Against Trump Supporters Scheduled to Hang | Real Raw News

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