I HACKED A Scammer and turn on his Webcam!

1 year ago

We managed to get into a scammers computer and now we gonna turn on his webcam and show you guys what this scammer looks like!

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We dial all kinds of scammers LIVE non stop 24/7 to raise awareness and to waste their time so they get to scam less people. The more we dial them, the less chance they get to scam someone.
These people make alot of victims and are mostly based in India, and not much is done by the authorities.... we try to make a difference! Please subscribe & share this stream to spread the word!
Every time their phones ring they will wonder if it will be a victim or one of us !
We bait, we troll, we prank, anything to prevent innocent people from being robbed!
Tech support scammers, IRS calls, fake cruise scammers, if they scam trough phone we dial them!

This video is purely educational to educate people about scams! We dont encourage or instruct anyone how to do this.

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