1 year ago

Um.. yeah,.. right.
1. Chief of police, John Pellitier, led response to LV concert massacre.
Shooter was on top floor of Mandalay Bay hotel, then owned (upper floors) by the Saudi elite, now imprisoned.
2. Homes of the rich and elite unharmed.
3. Flames traveled over 4-lane hwy and burned boats in water.
4. Largest array of alarms never sounded.
5. State official refused to release water.
6. Police blocked roadways, except to funnel cars on one road, burning.
7. Governor Green enacts UN agenda2030 "clean energy" laws.
8. Green also changes laws for land and building development 3 weeks B4.
9. Constructed a fence to keep people out.
10. FAA restricted drones from flying over damaged area.
11. Since 2011 plans build 1st "smart city", ran by "renewal energy".
12. Much of the land is owned by BlackRock.
13. Those who lost homes are being evicted.
14. Fact Checkers work for BlackRock.
+ Chinese satellites over island when fires began.
+ Strange light beams seen and recorded.
+ Odd fires that burned inward vs. spreading outward.
+ Home insurances cancelled.
POTENTIAL GOOD NEWS.. and do we ever need it!
USSF got word and took precautions, left undamaged.
Target? You bet, but not the whole reason, obviously.
Rumor: They did a pretty good job of rescuing the children.

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