Peace, War and 9/11 (2023)

1 year ago

Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks.

“You can discover the fraud pretty quickly, if you have the ability to read carefully"—Graeme MacQueen

Peace, War and 9/11 is a production of the International Center for 9/11 Justice. It is directed by Ted Walter and Richard Heap. Executive producers are Ted Walter and Marilyn Langlois. It is distributed by Questar Entertainment/Hipstr.

International Center for 9/11 Justice

MacQueen was a professor of religious studies and peace studies at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, for 30 years. He then went on to become a prominent scholar and widely respected leader in the 9/11 truth movement from 2006 until his passing in April 2023.

He is best known for his analysis of eyewitness accounts of the World Trade Center’s destruction and for his highly influential 2013 book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy. Also, in his final months, he was instrumental in forming the new International Center for 9/11 Justice, which launched earlier this week.

The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case For A Domestic Conspiracy
By Graeme Mac Queen, 2014

Video source
Redacted Presents: Peace, War and 9/11


Project For a New American Century: "Rebuilding Americas Defenses"
Publication date 2000-09

New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration & 9/11
By David Ray Griffin, 2004

Extremely high temperatures during the WTC destruction Extremely high temperatures during the World Trade Center destruction
January 2008

Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics
January 2010

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
January, 2009

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