Inflation, Interest And Out-Of-Control Debt - UK Column News

1 year ago

Inflation, Interest And Out-Of-Control Debt
* Sources:
- Office for National Statistics: Inflation and price indices
- The Peter G. Peterson Foundation: What Is the National Debt Costing Us?
- FRED Economic Research: Federal government current expenditures: Interest payments
- FRED Economic Research: Federal government current tax receipts
- Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Living with High Public Debt—Serkan Arslanalp and Barry Eichengreen±August 2023
- UK Office for Budget Responsibility: Debt interest (central government, net of APF)
- Trading Economics: United Kingdom Interest Payments On Government Debt
- Financial Times: UK to run up highest debt interest bill in developed world
- Financial Times: UK government debt to reach 310% of GDP by 2070s, fiscal watchdog warns

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