The Lord Says - I Have Chosen You, You are Mine! Prophetic Word 2023

1 year ago

Hi everyone. This is from a series of messages the Lord gave me between Easter and Pentecost 2023. In this message, I have included a section where we tested the Spirit. During these early messages we did this fairly often in keeping with 1 John 4:1. Here you can see how the Spirit responded to the question "Who is Jesus?" I invite you to like, share and subscribe as I will be posting the entire series of messages here. May the Lord bless you and encourage you today!

Here is the transcription:

April 14th, 2023

As many who are called by my name
And would listen
Behold I am coming soon
I have chosen you
You are mine!

(Testing the Spirit)
He is the Holy One of Israel
The only son of God
Born of a virgin
The son of Joseph
The Nazarene
The only sacrifice for sin
He is the one who calls you
He was buried, He arose, He was seen by Peter and John and Mary and he appeared over 40 days before he ascended into heaven
And he will come in the way that he went
He is coming
This Jesus who you saw
Will come again
It is He who speaks to you

Fear not my sons, my daughters
The children who are called by my name
I have not forgotten you
I will not forsake you
Even if you suffer for a little while
I will gather you to myself
For you are mine
You are my inheritance
Do not be afraid
Call on my name
Humble yourselves
I am coming soon

No more shall the friends of the bridegroom fast and weep
For I come for my bride
Tell my people
I have loved you with unfailing love
You will see me
You will be with me in my Father’s house
I have prepared a place for you
Come to me, my children

Soon you will enter my rest
Soon your labor complete
I am the Alpha the Omega
The One who was and is and is to come
And I am coming soon
With my power
With my host
You will see Heaven opened
And He who sits on the throne
The sky will roll back as a scroll
And the Lord will descend in power
And this mortal flesh will be consumed with immortality
You will not all sleep
But you will be changed!

Watch with me for a little while longer
Do not fear
My people know my name
Know my voice
For I am the good shepherd
They will not follow another
I will give them ears to hear you
Speak only what I give you to say

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