Trying To Kill the Gospel; Luke 11:45-52

1 year ago

Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 9/17/2023. While lunching with a Pharisee and his friends, Jesus delivered a scathing commentary on religious hypocrisy with six woes based on their behavior. We have already studied the first three, leveled at the Pharisees in general. But now Jesus turns His attention to the religious leaders of the day. His harsh indictment not only unmasks the darkness of their souls, but explicitly reveals their evil intent to silence the revealed and inspired Word of God. Although we know this attempt will fail, we will nonetheless note the seriousness of this spiritual battle and the devastating effect it has had on the church throughout the millennia. Ultimately we will recognize the desperate need in our own day to continue to preach the unaltered Gospel, and thereby teach future generations to stand against evil's most diabolical countermeasure-- the attempt to "kill" the Gospel.

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