Adding Strategic Preppers to your Team! All hands on deck-go it alone, and you will fail! 

1 year ago

As we try to prepare our Homew and build our homesteads, have we considered who are strategic team will be? Do you have all of the skills needed to survive an SHTF situation? Do you have enough help with the kids while the adults are out harvesting or milking the cow or building a greenhouse, or preserving the fruit trees in garden? If you take an honest inventory of what will be required to survive a grid down moment, then you will realize that you need to have strategic people on your team! And the experts might literally be one call away, or one neighbor away, or even sitting right next to you. this is another video in Nates series of “what does a Prepper look like?”

Join us, while Nate has a very honest discussion with none other than his mom-the very woman who taught him how to work, and set him on a life long road of being prepared!

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