Nov 30, 2010 🎺 Jesus says... Remember Me and let Me kiss you upon your Forehead

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Remember Me & Lean forward, so I may kiss you upon your forehead

November 30, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words Spoken to Timothy, During an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord YahuShua… What is a son, who is mindful of his father’s ways, and pays close attention to his every word?… Or a servant, who seeks only to serve his master?… Or a faithful bride, who seeks always to please her husband in all her ways, whether he is near or far, in her presence or returning quickly, as one who had been away on a long journey?…

Be mindful of these things and grow in wisdom; be at peace, by trust which wavers not… For I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me! Behold, I am come also to repay the nations, for all their forsaking of Me!

Therefore, sing the songs of your Most Beloved, and I shall come upon you quickly and place My voice within you, and we shall sing together as one, making sweet melodies as I strike the chords of your heart. Do not draw back when I come… Lean forward, so I may kiss you upon your foreheads. My children, cup your ears and listen for Me… Be attentive and wide awake.

Your heart’s desire is near, and has come to claim His own… For I am The Desire of Ages!… Whose breath sustains all generations!

Beloved, why do you hesitate?… I am The Life! The Love for all time!… The Carpenter who created you for His own joy, whose joy is yours also, the joy which we had together from the very foundation of the world.

Children, remember Me! Search your hearts and know Me! REMEMBER ME! Remember the time we shared, remember the love which I have poured out for you… Remember. Search your innermost thoughts, and you will find Me there. Remember Me as I am, as I have always been… As you are, with Me where I am.

Stop looking forward, as though I am afar off. Cease from looking backward, as though I am now beyond your reach… Look! Here I am! Look no more with the eyes of man, for flesh and blood have deceived you… Behold, the men of this world have lain in wait, set up traps, spread forth snares and dug many pits, by which many are held captive and torn, tormented and led astray by the illusion this world offers.

Wipe your eyes and be healed, AND SEE! Unstop your ears and pay attention, AND HEAR! Open your hearts and be broken, AND KNOW!… I am that which The Father has confessed concerning Me… I am He, whom the Spirit of truth has revealed… Yes, I am He, who is spoken of through the mouth of My prophets, and preached of in the world by My apostles. (By NO means am I that, which men in authority have spoken concerning Me; nor am I that “Jesus”, which is spoken of amongst the churches of men.)

Beloved, this Word, even every Volume to every Letter, is the Word of My glory, which I have put forth once again… A testament of My love and sacrifice, the announcement of My coming, a proclamation of truth… Revelation of who I really am… The Trumpet Call of God, so all those called and chosen may hear, and come to Me in their proper time and season.

Behold, it is also a strong correction, for all those who have taken to themselves MY name and MY Word… TO POLLUTE IT!… A plumb line for this wicked generation! For this Word is a waving banner, an ensign to all nations!… A trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation!

For I AM WHO I AM!… The Only Begotten of The Father, The One True God and Savior, The Mashiach!… YahuShua-YaHuWaH!

Thus says The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth…
My name is everlasting, spoken of from generation to generation. And if My love has a name, and the glory of My power is revealed in His vesture, then where is My worship? Where is My reverence amongst My people, offered up to the praise of His glory, My glory?

Therefore, I am calling My beloved forward, behold I am calling them out of this darkness, so we may be one together, in the sanctuary of My love… You in Him, in Me… Together as one.

For My love endures forever… Long after the glory of men has passed away, with the height of their kingdoms turned to dust, My love endures… Long after the stars, you behold in the heavens, have ceased from shining, My love endures… Deeper and wider than space and time, My love endures…

Even before creation, My love endures… And after, My love remains. For indeed My Love has a name, (for God is love)… The name in which I came, clothed in flesh… YahuShua HaMashiach!… Yes, Immanu El!

Give Him glory, that I may receive glory from amongst you… For I shall be your God, and you shall be My people, as long as My love endures. Amen… And amen.

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