Dare To Dream: Our Story - Ep 11 Sailing With Thankfulness

1 year ago

Daring to dream can be daunting but taking the step is worth it. In this episode of Sailing With Thankfulness, you'll discover some of the highs and lows along our journey to living aboard ˝Thankfulness˝ in the Mediterranean. *** Read on for Your Next Step towards Your Own Dream Adventure...

Discover a simple thing that you can do today to move you closer to your dream.

=== Your Own Dream Adventure ===
Take your next step towards you own dream adventure and join with us making a difference in the world...
Join our virtual crew community of like minded Kingdom builders at https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com

=== Follow Us For The Latest Adventures ===
Follow our latest adventures and sailing adventure episodes: https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com/follow-our-boat

=== Books ===
Sailing Around The World mini book: https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com/sailing-around-the-world-mini-book

=== Thanks To ===
Music: https://www.bensound.com
Houseboat footage: https://www.buyaboat.com.au/buyaboat/boats-for-sale/used/house-boat/powercat-47-can-go-outside-and-built-to-survey-requirements/112495

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