1 year ago

We are experiencing our worst moments ever, because, as a society and human race, we are living through a silent Third World War, in which millions of people are dying, due to a biological weapon linked to bioterrorism. We are referring to the so-called Covid-19 vaccine, which is actually an experimental gene therapy that modifies our DNA, turning human beings into ‘factories’ that produce the harmful spike protein. That is not all, however. People have also injected themselves with the toxic substances, nanobots and nanotechnology found inside these ‘vaccines’, and this fact has already been proven.

Worse still, and in addition to these issues, most people do not notice anything and are acting as if it is normal for people to drop dead suddenly, or for them to suffer serious, unanticipated illnesses. No one is wondering about this situation or asking themselves questions about it. Indeed, the sleeping masses live immersed in ignorance and cowardice, because they do not want to know what is happening. They are dissociated and there is a lack of connection between what they think and reality. They would like a return to normality, but that reality no longer exists – all there is now is the suffering and pain of millions of people.

For this reason, the perverse elite have planned the next pandemic, as part of their dark agenda, which will involve ‘Disease X’ or Covid 2.0. Consequently, they will want to impose new draconian measures upon us and lock us down again, in order to continue vaccinating the entire population so that people will become even sicker and, ultimately die, to conclude their final genocide.

Therefore, we have to wake up, do our own research, and emerge from this state of ignorance and cowardice. Now is the time to wake up and fight. Otherwise, we will all die, because time is running out. Our humanity is far more numerous than this group of inhumane elites; we are 99% of the population, they are the 1%. Indeed, if we wake up, see reality and face up to what they are trying to do to us, there is still time for us to win this final battle.

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

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