I Think MY BRAIN IS BROKEN - Ep 5 Sailing With Thankfulness

1 year ago

In this episode of Sailing With Thankfulness, I explain a concept called "The Hand Model Of The Brain" which helped me understand my response to trauma and stress. *** Read on for Your Next Step towards Your Own Dream Adventure...

This new understanding helped to remove the shame of my struggle with mental health and to be more kind to myself.

I really hope it helps you or people that you know who are struggling with Mental Health on this challenging journey.

=== Your Own Dream Adventure ===
Take your next step towards you own dream adventure and join with us making a difference in the world...
Join our virtual crew community of like minded Kingdom builders at https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com

=== Follow Us For The Latest Adventures ===
Follow our latest adventures and sailing adventure episodes: https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com/follow-our-boat

=== Books ===
Sailing Around The World mini book: https://www.SailingWithThankfulness.com/sailing-around-the-world-mini-book

=== Thanks To ===
Music: https://www.bensound.com

=== Disclaimer ===
The information Kerry shares in this video is her own experience only and may not relate to your specific circumstance. Make sure that you consult a competent health professional before acting on anything that is in the video.

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