1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the recent news of Australia's 5th biggest bank ending all cash and checks in 2024. Australia has been demonetizing its currency for years. Now, Macquarie Bank, Australia's 5th largest bank with a market cap of 69 billion dollars and over a million customers is making all transactions digital, phasing out cash, check and phone payments in 2024. 2024 is also the year countless CBDCs are to be released worldwide by different governments. The IMF said back in 2018 that they expect many banks and nations in general to cut out cash by 2025. Mainstream media in Australia has reported in recent days that Australia will be functionally cashless by 2025 and entirely cashless by 2030. This also completely fits into the World Economic Forum's goal of a cashless world in 2030. If we do nothing about this today, we will without a doubt face the dire, dystopian consequences later.

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