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Ed Dowd: Once This Comes To Light, There Will Be No Place To Hide On The Planet!
Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf of The Daily Clout interviews Ed Dowd @DowdEdward of During this interview, Dowd reveals, among other things, the astonishing death rates in the UK which he believes are caused by COVID vaccines.
Original Twitter Video:
UK - Death and Disability Trends for Cardiovascular Diseases, Ages 15-44 (pdf)
Saddest Interview Yet: Mass Death In The UK
Ed Dowd, AKA "Jeremiah', Shares Horrific Update for UK Deaths, US Disabilities
Dr. Naomi Wolf
September 20, 2023
I don't often lose my composure when I am conducting an interview. I was given very thorough media training at the start of my career -- indeed, when I was just 26 -- by a woman who was a legend in the world of media training -- the late Barbara Browning.
In a book-lined apartment overlooking Central Park, and adorned only in calming creams and whites, long before that was a fashion, this elegant lady, who trained many of the serious nonfiction authors at that time, taught me a technique I have used ever since.
It is called "hit, bridge, sparkle"; it is a kind of verbal judo in which you use the force of an attack to stay centered. The technique -- in which you "hit" the question or the attack by acknowledging it, "bridge" to what you really want to say, and "sparkle" in your preferred field of discourse, sharing the facts you wish to present to the audience -- allows you to face up to and absorb any difficult question, confront any bully, or bear up serenely under any confrontation, without losing your balance or calm demeanor.
People often ask me how I manage to deal with all of the attacks I face, and that is one technique. I am forever grateful to Ms Browning, as I have faced many bullies, as well as many confrontations and difficult subjects, on camera. (Another source of my composure under attack is my certainty that I'll be dead someday and will then have to account for my life choices, as will my attackers for theirs, but that is a subject for another essay).
I mention all this because my interview last night with Edward Dowd, formerly a hedge fund manager at BlackRock, now founder of Phinance Technologies and author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, presented me with a couple of moments in which what he was telling me was so horrific and so unimaginable that I stumbled a few times, and visibly lost my usual composure. The interview is linked above, at the top of this essay. Here is the report:
You can tell from watching the interview that in absorbing -- or trying to absorb -- the news he was giving me, I was a state of vertigo caused by processing his words, to the point that I struggled to articulate the next question. That should indicate to you the scale of the news he was presenting. Your mind will probably also reel as you try to absorb what he is announcing here.
Using standard methodologies, Ed Dowd and his colleagues have found, in a new 22 page report, looking at the UK, that adjusted cardiovascular excess deaths in the UK are up in a signal that cannot under any circumstances be ignored. "We observed 13 per cent increase above normal trend line in 2020, 30 per cent in 2021 and forty-four per cent in 2022." Anything above 3 standard deviations is a signal -- a 3.8 standard deviation is the same as you getting hit by lightning once in your lifetime. When I say ten standard deviations this is an improbable event from the norm. Ten [standard deviations from the norm] is crazy."
"These signals are so large that there has to be a reason why. My thesis and your thesis is that it is the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines…and this is an enormous coverup. We are seeing signals like this across all different databases all the time."
"Sure enough, signals. At this point I'm just mad because we are talking into the wind."
From this chart, based on Office of National Statistics and UK Monthly Registered Deaths, All Cause, and the Personal independence Payment System databased (ONS the gold standard at least per the UK government; it was ONS that announced COVID infections during the pandemic) -- excess deaths were up in 2020 and 2021, then seemed to resolve in 2022, and are now up again dramatically in those aged 15-44 in Q2 of 2023. These are younger, healthier people -- Millennials -- the moms and dads, the work force — who are not supposed to die.
"Right now, as of this study, we saw about 200 excess cardiovascular deaths in this age group in 2020; 500 in 2021; and 700 in 2022.
We found 3 [excess] deaths per 100k population in 2022 and 13 excessive disabilities [per 100k population] in 2022. A Swiss study found an incidence of "mild myocarditis" of 2.8 per cent per 100,000. [Citation: Buergin et al, cited in report]
[So,] when we run the population of this age group in the United Kingdom that's 650,000 people who could potentially become disabled [from myocarditis] or dead. Say only ten per cent develop problems -- that is 65,000 people in the UK. We are updating 2023 -- their UK 15-44 age group's excess mortality is 20 per cent above there baseline, reaching a new all-time high in 2023. It shot to a new high in 2023. Whatever is going on with this vaccine has medium term effects.
"We also have this confirmed by the US disability data which in June shot up by a million. Why are we seeing a re-acceleration in disabilities? Up a million in one month. In July it came down a tad but shot back up in August. I am getting anxious about these trends accelerating." His source in the insurance industry is seeing both disability and death shooting up among American millennials.
As Ed Dowd stated, a million Americans in the month of June alone, newly identified themselves as disabled. Most of these were women - a finding that independently confirms (as Mr Dowd's warnings about disabled women have from the start) the findings of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Analysts, who for their part found a 72% rate of adverse events in the Pfizer documents, including tens of thousands of disabling adverse events, in women as opposed to in men.
Dowd is angry that the gatekeepers whose jobs involve responding to data such as these -- public health officials, officials at ONS, but also insurance company executives and others -- are keeping silent. He brought up the fact that the insurance companies mandated the injections, as did most major companies, in 2021, so the General Counsels in the boardrooms of major insurers, would likely be advising their clients not to say a word in public about what they insurers are seeing in their own data regarding massive increases in excess deaths and Millennials' disabilities.
"It was when millennials excessively started dying in 2021 -- not 2020. To me that was a smoking gun," said Dowd.
Naomi Wolf
The Bodies Of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 And The War Against The Human (Book)
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War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried To Conceal
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Ed Dowd
Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022
By Ed Dowd (Author), Robert Jr. F. Kennedy (Foreword)
Ed Dowd videos featured on this Rumble channel:
Edward Dowd's Website
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"[Big] Pharma is not your friend. Their job is to sell new patented drugs and not push forward over-the-counter drugs or repurposed drugs. That's what they do. They're there for the bottom line. They are not there for your health. They treat symptoms. They don't treat the root cause. They don't want to cure anything . . . curing a disease is not a good business model because once you cure the patient the cash flow stops. It's about treating symptoms, not causes. We know this and they are not your friend..."
-- Ed Dowd on Alex Jones, December 14, 2022
"I can say with complete certainty that I have never been more convinced in my whole career of the fact that the vaccines not only don't work, but that these are the deadliest vaccines ever introduced into the human population on such a global scale. The US government is guilty of democide with their forced mandates, and countless corporations and government agencies are also likely liable for forcing employees to accept injections of experimental vaccines which employ novel gene therapy-based technology. The corporate media and large tech companies are also complicit due to their censorship of the nature of these vaccines, and in my opinion are accessories to wrongful death. The single greatest implication is that once we succeed in opening up the Overton window of allowed discourse on this topic, and the majority of the population gains the knowledge of what has happened, we will witness an incredible loss of trust in our institutions. At a bare minimum the NIH, CDC, FDA and Health and Human Services need to be razed and built up again anew. In addition, the politicians involved, the unwitting Doctors who pushed this vaccine program, University Administrators-departments and the media-tech complex have all lost the trust of the public, will need to rethink their institutions and governance structures, will have much to answer for in the coming years..."
-- Edward Dowd, Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID, July 26, 2022
"The brave frontline doctors blew the whistle on this vaccine early on…the signals they identified should have stopped the vaccinations in its tracks like the 70’s swine flu. They are the heroes. They were attacked & smeared. The fact that the apparatus of government & private corporations through their actions allowed it to get to the point where bodies & injuries are piling up is the largest global crime against humanity ever seen. The implications are staggering & profound. We are not going back to normal anytime soon. My insurance industry partner & I are forever grateful for the brave doctors…we are just 2 ex Wall Street geeks exposing through our skills the damage wrought by those who didn’t listen to the warnings from the frontline doctors."
-- Edward Dowd, GETTR, March 13, 2022
"I think as this scandal collapses and unfolds, it's going to remake a lot of our institutions," Dowd says, "and I think that's a good thing. I think people like yourself [Dr. Joseph Mercola] and others who've been out in the wilderness are going to be vindicated. I'll never take another vaccine again, or a flu shot. I'm done. I'm out."
-- Edward Dowd, Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Edward Dowd: Global Financial Collapse Is A 'Mathematical Certainty', September 6, 2022
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