麦卡洛博士:卡斯特里塔的论文显示注射 mRNA 疫苗至少 6 个月甚至更长的时间,仍然可以发现刺突蛋白在体内循环

1 year ago

Dr. McCullough:Castruita’s papers demonstrate that spike protein still could be found circulating in body at least six months or even longer after mRNA vaccines injection. And if people take another shot six months later, there'll be another installation in more circulating potentially lethal protein circulating in human body…..

麦卡洛博士:卡斯特里塔的论文显示注射 mRNA 疫苗至少 6 个月甚至更长的时间,仍然可以发现刺突蛋白在体内循环,如果六个月后再注射一针疫苗💉相当于注入了更多潜在的致命蛋白在人体内循环…!

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