Crop Circles, Cattle Mutilations, Consciousness, & Alien Takeover - Penny Kelly, TSP #820

1 year ago

Penny Kelly Penny Kelly is a writer, teacher, author, publisher, consultant, Naturopathic physician, and researcher of consciousness. Early in her career she was an engineer for Chrysler Corporation, but left there in 1979 after a full, spontaneous awakening of kundalini to study the brain, consciousness, intelligence, intuition, and cognition. This was followed by 18 years of work as an educational consultant specializing in Accelerated and Brain-Compatible Teaching and Learning, working with both schools and corporations. After purchasing acreage in 1987, she raised grapes for Welch Foods for a dozen years while also building Lily Hill Farm, now a large B&B. She worked with Dr. Wm. Levengood, biophysicist, for 15 years, studying materials from crop circles and animal mutilations, and researching plasma, energy and consciousness.

Penny was involved in Community Gardening in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, MI through grants from the Kellogg Foundation. She was a member of the Tipping Point Network whose focus is sustainability in all sectors of life and has been a Flow Fund recipient through Marion Rockefeller Weber. She maintains a worldwide counseling and coaching practice, teaches a half-dozen courses in Developing Intuition, as well as courses inOrganic Gardening, and Getting Well Again Naturally. She travels widely to speak and teach. Penny holds a degree in Humanistic Studies from Wayne State University and a degree in Naturopathic Medicine from Clayton College of Natural Health. She is the mother of four children has co-written or edited 23 books with others, and has written nine books of her own.


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