Earth's Resources Are Renewable

1 year ago

Oil Is Not A "Fossil Fuel", Neither Is Coal. Another Absolutely Ridiculous Lie On It's Surface That These Resources Are the Product of Tons Of Dinosaur Bones and Plants. How Stupid Do You Have To Be. I Guess The Kind Of Stupid It Takes To Believe That Humans Evolved From Apes When There Are Still Apes Here Today.
THAT IS Pretty Fucking Dumb. When The Ending Cancels Out The Precept To Begin With. Abiotic Oil Is The Blood Of The Earth, And Just Like Your Blood In Your Body. It Is Made By The Body. Could Humans Use So Much So Fast That It Temporarily Ran Out. Yes, I Imagine It Could. However It Would Only Be Man's Greed and Waste That Would Facilitate That Extreme. Natural Gas, Also Renewable. Water, Renewable, Recyclable, As With All The Base Elements That Make Up This World. It Is One Giant Recycling Environment When Man Stops Interfering With Natural Processes. If We Lived In Harmony With Earth and Each Other Peace & Plenty Would Be Automatic. Instead A Few Greedy Narcissists Rape The Earth Just As They Rape The People Of The Earth. To Feed Their Lusts & Egos. They Only Know Corruption, Thus Everything They Touch Becomes Corrupted.
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