God will judge and cut down all the dead churches that support the sodomites

1 year ago

God hates homosexuality!! It offends Him a lot and He will not be nice at all to the rainbow sex devils or those who support these wicked people and they are beyond wicked and love it, they love bragging and being naked in front of kids and saying love is love but in fact they are so hateful and hate God so much!! God gave the rainbow to Noah and his family after the flood and He will get it back!! Jesus after the tribulation period ends will come back with all His angels and those who got raptured in the second coming, He will come as a Lion of Judah and will destroy the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who was stupid and got the vaccines and worship the antichrist!! Jesus will kill them all with His sword and their rotten bodies will be eaten by birds of prey and they will be in the lake of fire with the antichrist and false prophet, God is very very angry and the wicked and all the so called lost church members and pastors will be left behind in the tribulation and better decide to follow Jesus because it will be hell on earth!! The 7th seal that is opened starts the tribulation period and it will start, once the antichrist sits down in Jerusalem in the third temple he will say I am God worship me and get rid of all your beliefs!! Then the 7 year tribulation will begin, and God will make the wicked suffer His tribulation judgements and they will not escape or the rich that will hide in their bunkers, they will not escape God anger and wrath He will unleash in the tribulation period and He will let the wicked have it!! First are the trumpet judgements and then are the 7 bowl judgements that will be poured out on all those who got the vaccines or mark of the beast and worship the antichrist and there will be a huge earthquake after the 7th bowl is poured out, God will enjoy making the wicked suffer in the tribulation period, it will be justice being dealt out and they deserve it!!

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