Gays should not be at a fair!! America is over

1 year ago

You can't just have a nice old fashioned fair anymore without the gross naked sex rainbow groomers showing up!! Kids do not need to see two men or women kissing each other or seeing their gross booth!! Fairs used to be fun but you can't do that anymore!!! God is beyond angry at America and will destroy this gross sex half naked gay grooming country and will be no more, and all the wicked false pastors and lost church members that go to these gay grooming sex don't offend me churches will answer to God!! He will not pat you on the back at all but will tell you all your sins and everything you have done and say depart from Me you wicked evildoer for I never knew you go into the lake of fire with Satan and his angels, God is not tolerate and hates the gays lesbians and trans!! He remembers Sodom and Gomorrah and it was the gays lesbians and trans who yelled lot where are the two men you brought in your house bring them out so we may have sex with them!! That is all what gays lesbians and trans do, they want to have sex with each other all the time and go after kid's!! They are devils and parents should not allow kids go to public schools anymore!! The rainbow sex half naked groomers are in school, churches, neighborhoods and government and they want to brainwash your kids and teach them that they are not a boy or girl but a he or it and worship them and their gross sex rainbow flag!! That is not ok and they do not need a booth at a fair with kids and many were 3, 4, 5, 6 years old!! And they were selling gay Barbie dolls to the kids!! That is not ok with me and if I had kids I would throw that barbie doll in the trash, they are demons period and Satan is after kids even more now than ever

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