Canadians Unite In 1 Million March 4 Children | Kamel El-Cheikh

1 year ago

Have Canadian parents FINALLY had enough of the indoctrination and sexualization of their children in the public school system?

In today's episode of Truth Talks, Dr. Ann speaks with 1 Million March 4 Children organizer, Kamel El-Cheikh. They discuss the mission of parents coming together from coast to coast on September 20, 2023 to protest the dangerous ideologies being thrust upon the children, as well as parental rights being stripped from those who have their best interest - the parents!

Kamel El-Cheikh is a Muslim businessman who has been involved in activism all of his life. He is leading the way in uniting parents to take back their rights and protect their own children from gender ideologies.

You can find Kamel and more information on the 1 Million March 4 Children at


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