Archangel Metatron Entities, Triggers and Jerks

1 year ago

Against a backdrop of increasing chaos, disorder, aggression, rudeness and disregard for each other, (some of it bought on by the falling away of old structures and the misunderstood ascension process), this video asks are entity attachments behind much of this low vibrational behaviour? Not always, but in some cases yes, other times people are just triggered or being jerks lol (yes Metatron's word not mine!).
Looking at the doorways that entities can enter your auric field and physicality...including the 7 traditional Deadly Sins/Wrong doings of Pride/Ego ,Greed, Envy, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. How they can then derail you. Remember it is simply energy and energy can be transmuted and moved along though - no need to panic!
Also fear as food for entities - and how love dissolves them. How living in love and from your heart is the best preventer.
Looking at media manipulation as a doorway to fear also - latest example fake ET disclosures (will come back to this with Ashtar as to what is really occurring). Also rabbit holes ....(guidance there and also in my Ashtar video linked below).
Taylor Hawkins (came in to remind me) of the Studio 666 film made shortly before his death - Satanic Horror is another portal for entities to they then attack and how you can protect and rid yourself of them.
Ascended Master help available - ask and you shall receive. NO SPELL BREAKER is needed other than YOUR own energy turning towards YOUR power, albeit supported by spirit.
Recognising when you are talking to an entity, rather than a balanced well being.
Importance of grounding and purging and good spiritual hygiene.
Opening up the Third eye safely - not mentioned in the video but the Archangel Metatron Tanzanite Third Eye auric spray is a good one to cleanse and open it at a pace that is right for you.

My Armour of God Video

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My Commander Ashtar Deprogramming Mind Control Video

• Ashtar/Metatron - Deprogram Brainwash...
@AmandaEllis #channelling #astral #entity #healing #ArchangelMetatron

Oracle decks used: The Wild Unknown Tarot Kim Krans, Universal Oracle Cards by Christina Georgieva, Tarot Grand Luxe by Ciro Marchetti

My Healing & Connection Sprays - Master Jesus Christ Light, Kali Ma Warrior Goddess Liberation & Rebirth, Violet Dragon Master Clearance Danger Defence Spray, Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness & Transmutation

Armour of God Pocket Reminder cards:

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