Morgoth: Mass Immigration & Net Zero Is Purely Malicious. Changing The Population Is The Agenda

1 year ago

Mass immigration is completely at odds with the 'green agenda'. So what this is--is something very sinister. Changing the nature of the population must be part of the plans in some way.

There seems to be something that dosen't add up, on the one hand we're being told about degrowth, that we're going to have to scale back, we're going to have to make due with less. The bank of England literally said the population of England are just going to have to get used to being poorer in the future, and at the same time house prices are through the roof, and it just doens't add up.

Because if, from the government's perspective of climate change we're going to have to scale everything back, the one thing you would do with that is stop millions of immigrants coming in -- I mean in the UK 1.2 million immigrants came in last year.
Its unhead of, we've never been anything near that before. Its the same happening in Ireland, in Canada, in America, in Australia. And the highest immigration ever is completely at odds with the technocratic side of it, which is all about reducing the carbon footprint of the country, scaling things back, going greener. I can understand if its 2005, we're at peak neo-liberalism, you want to have as many consumers and producers as possible. Okay, I don't agree with that, but that was supposedly the logic. They'll stilll using that same logic today, while at the same time saying we need to dial everything back.

And its not like they've just carried on as normal, they've doubled or quadrupled the amount of people they're allowing in,. Tthat's dark, that's really strange, because logically you need to reduce the amount of people coming in to zero not according to my nationalist leanings but according to their own politics, their own ideology. But we're getting MORE than ever before. So what this is, is something very sinister. Changing the nature of the population must be part of all the other plans in some way.

With the very same people demanding we take in the highest rates of foreigners ever, we're also being told AI is going to run everything. The promise of the technocrats is all these jobs are going to be gone because AI is going to do it. Into this AI world, we've got the highest immigration rates ever. On the one hand they're going to automate all the jobs making millions of people unemployed, so you'd think the incentive would be to cut back all of the immigration to handle what they're doing with the people already here-- but they're not.

They want obedience, and I think they feel they will get that especially if there's just more deracination among the native population
where they feel that 'that's the end of nationalism because we're a minority now', so there can be nowhere where genuine dissent can arise from now because we're too fragmented with immmigration.

Yes, I think its purely malicious. It does go along with the transhumanism agenda because one of the problems globalism has all had is rooted populations with an organic idenitity, That's long being a thorn in their side. When they're gonig to make big changes those are the people who aren't going to like it. In England the popualtion has always been 80% against mass immigration. NO party ever went into an election saying they're going to increase immigration. It was all done by stealth, by lies and by cajoling the population-- the point is they've always had this problem.

And if they import immigrants, the new immigrant population are not giving up anything, they won't say we prefered it the way it used to be because there's isn't any used to be for them. They are a rootless mass. There's no positives to the world they're creating in any form -- its a real black pill. Realizing the sheer scale of the immigration, the purely utilitarianism of a technocratic worldview. It looks very malicious. The lack of concern for the native people is either zero -- it is malicious intent, it is meant to destroy.

The Davos crowd want their system to decide: 'How useful is he to us??' Well, sorry I don't care if I'm useful to you or not, but this is exactly how they're thinking about millions of people. Even then, you'd think the smart approach would be to keep the amount of useless people to a minimun-- but no, they're doing the opposite.

There's 3 interconnecting elements to the control grid: CDC, dgital ID, and carbon credits. If ONE of those doens't take, the other 2 collapse as well. I the money isn't programmable there's no sense having a carbon score. Without the digital ID you can't police CDBC.

Excerpts, The Great Turning Away with Morgoth’s Review, August 2, 2023.

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