"Greedy much? Faith & belief in God require humiliation!" XVI Sunday After Pentecost 9/18/23

1 year ago

The Capttal Sin of Avarice is always physically manifested and the only way out is to seek the Mercy of God...which is yours for the asking! This week, as Fr. Stanislaus prepares to celebrate his 1st Anniversary to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, we are once again presented with the lesson of the man with dropsy--Avarice--Greed--the inordinate desire for worldly goods. This is the siren call of Modernity and it has infected every aspect of our lives if we are humble enough to RECOGNIZE and willing enough to ask God for FORGIVENESS. Only by these means is one able to recieve the gifts of Faith and Belief in the One, Triune God....unless your GREED has tricked you into making your own god(s) of your earthly treasures.
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