What "you know what, just to be safe..." thing you did ended up saving your ass later? #instinct

1 year ago

Safety glasses. When working away it's easy to talk yourself into doing something really quick without them and there is always a voice in your head yelling at you to put them on.Stopped grinding the thing I was working on got my glasses came back, and then this chunk flies up and cracks the right lense. Spidy senses 1 Murphy's law 0
I knock out my shoes and squeeze the toes for good measure. Hi Mr. BROWN RECLUSE! Only happened once, but once was enough to convince me it was a good habit to have.
Arrive in San Francisco a week into a trip. As we gather our things during a moment of downtime I go back to check the bus cause, you know, it never hurts. Found my passport, which i had no idea I'd dropped.
I had a car sitting on jack stands because I needed to do some transmission work. Before climbing under it, I thought it'd be a good idea to rock the car around. One of the jack stands was not in the right spot and the car slipped off it, slamming down on the front disk brakes. Would have killed me.
Take 10 before you send has saved my ass countless times.Means take 10 seconds to re-read your email/post/whatever written communication before you send. Emails, especially in the workplace, last forever.
Got insurance for a moving van. It was $50, and I thought "just in case"Turns out my room mate wasn't paying attention, and caused one of the walls to be ripped up. Would have cost near $3000 in damages, but since I paid the $50, I didn't owe anything.
Ctrl+s, ctrl+s, ctrl+s, and more ctrl+s. Never know when the power will go out.
This one is a bit more light-hearted. A few years ago I went on a trip to Venice. It was going to be sunny, and I knew I have terrible luck, and that there are many pigeons, so I took an old white baseball hat with me and put it on. Of course, a pigeon shat on my head.Right on the hat I had with me just in case.
Very simple, but a roll of toilet paper in the glove compartment of my car has literally saved my ass multiple times.
Flipped over my shoe and shook it, cause i had found a spider in it the night before, just to make sure.There was another spider in there.
I spent extra money on kevlar motorcycle gloves, a lot more expensive but five times more durable. When I later on crashed with my sports motorcycle, I slid the first stretch of meters on the palms of my hands (and feet and knees) before I started rolling etc...
Picking the more isolated wire cutter to cut a highvoltage power cord.
Working in an electric panel I went over to check to make sure the disconnect was off.It wasn't. I was being careful either way not getting near the high voltage stuff but it didn't need to be on, and could have easily killed myself with 1 mistake.This happened yesterday.
Drunk me takes better care of myself than sober me. If I get too drunk on a weeknight, I always wake up, without fail showered, shaved, with clothes and keys and everything I’ll need laid out and usually some food ready to grab and go with little to no memory of handling all that. But damn do I appreciate it when I wake up.
Totaled a charger I was renting from enterprise. Bought the insurance, Best 17.99 insurance i ever spent
Was about to send an email out to a few thousand people with links to tutorials, etc. Something in my head told me to *check the links*. Ok, whatever. I do. Third link down didn't go to a tutorial. It went to a picture of a squirrel with a bazooka. I had sent it earlier that day to a friend. Whoops. *check your links kids*
Was on my way out the door for a trip to the Rocky Mountains with some friends. Saw a whistle sitting randomly in my junk drawer. Went out to the car to leave. Thought "Well... I guess if I get lost it could come in handy. Meh I probably won't need it" But went back in and put it in my pocket. ...guess who got lost in the mountains and got my ass saved by having a v loud whistle with me?
Moved back into out empty house. Went to visit a friend and decided to take my luggage and computer with me in case the neighborhood still thought the house was empty. Came home to the empty house broken into and the front door had been unlocked from the inside. My computer would've been stolen.
back during the craze of the wii i managed to get one for my brother during my lunch break at work. roads were bad so jokingly buckled it into the passenger seat belt. totaled the car on the way home. had i put it in the trunk it would have been destroyed. my brother was maybe 8 or 9 at that point. when i called home i told him his wii was ok, said he didn't care as long as i was ok.
I often give my mother cash to hold on to for me. It always ends up saving my ass in a financial emergency.

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