The 3 letter agencies have been fully weaponized against us.

1 year ago

“They’re not after me. They’re after you and I’m in the way.” ~ Donald J Trump

The quote above may be the most profound and accurate thing President Trump ever said. As we head into the end of September of 2023 it becomes clearer and clearer.

They’ll go after the influencers with the higher followings first, and work their way down to the everyday conservative. After that, the leftist/useful idiots are next.

If the FBI knocks on your door without a warrant, DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM! Even if you do get arrested the same applies, DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM! Get a lawyer before answering any questions. They want to twist your words up and lock you up.

Keep your powder dry folks. It’s all coming to a head. 🇺🇸🏴

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