Prayers 4 Believers- Singing Spiritual Songs & Praying While We Watch for Jesus To Come Rapture Us

1 year ago

During the week I was unable to upload, I was putting videos up on my backup channel- @TruthTriumphsOnlyLordJesus I usually spend a lot of time in prayer and Bible study each day, and I sing in "tongues" at night before I go to bed. This particular night, September 6, the Lord gave me four songs. As we are excitedly waiting for the rapture, the Bible says that we are to join together in prayer and glorifying God our Father in Jesus' name- Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5. I sing the first song/prayer in tongues and then Katy, a 19 year old (born again) who has the gift of intercession prays a prayer for my viewers. Katy's baptism anniversary from three years ago is September 23. I sing three more songs and read Scriptures to encourage ya'll. I know that a lot of people don't believe in all the spiritual gifts, but if you listen to this and pray for your own requests, may God bless you and give you strength and encouragement. Jesus is coming soon, and tonight when I saw it was 7:37 which means "just now" in Strong's concordance, I looked up to see a praying mantis on my Wendy's Wish salvia plant. Jesus is Lord and all glory goes to Him. Maranatha.

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