Tate Shiho Gatame (Mount) • Maintaining Position Basics Part 2 • JUJUTSU (jujitsu / jiu jitsu)

1 year ago

#tateshihogatame #mount #jukidojujitsu #jujitsu #jiujitsu #judo #selfdefense

Maintaining Tate Shiho Gatame (Vertical Four Corner Hold), also commonly referred to as "The Mount," is an essential in ground control. Without proper tactics it is easy for a larger person to simply throw the top person off. As such, it is important to not only achieve the position but also be able to maintain it. In this segment we review basics of maintaining position when facing attempts to dislodge the top with vertical pressure or "the benchpress." The next video, we'll review basics for dealing with attempts to legs to within the Do-Osae (Guard) position.

It is important to keep in mind that the application of Tate Shiho Gatame and other Osaekomi-waza (pinning techniques or positional controls in ground grappling) in self-defense are not based on scoring criteria in various combat sports such as Olympic Judo, BJJ, etc. The Jukido style of jujitsu emphasizes these skills in the context of a martial art and not sport.

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