If We Lose in 2024, It Will Be Against The Law To Deny “Gender Affirmation”

1 year ago

If we lose in 2024, it will be against the law to acknowledge that Richard Levine is a man dressed as a woman. The Assistant Secretary for Health is a man dressed in a woman's Navy Admiral’s uniform. He is in charge of your kids in school and directing teachers to keep the kids transitioned from parents. And Then we have Senator Tuberville that is continuing to block military promotions from cross dressers.
Republicans outraged over new Senate dress code. Fetterman can now walk around the Senate in hoodies and sweatpants. They take the dress code and respect of the institution away, and you don’t think that's what they are doing to the military.
California’s Pro Trans Child custody bill is pure emotional blackmail. There is a bill sitting on Gavin Newsom’s desk right now that would not only render the first amendment null and void but also strip parents of their most fundamental rights and responsibilities toward their children ( Transgender, Gender Diverse and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act (AB 957)). It dictates that the courts must consider gender affirmation in child custody battles. The soon to be law states that in seeking to determine the health safety and welfare of the child courts must consider a parents’ affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression.
When Newsom signs this bill, what would he do as president of the United States? Newsom goes to the White House when Joe is out of town. Now everytime Newsom is brought up that he is the guy that will step in he gives his overwhelming support for Joe. His kindness to Joe may be repaid when Joe leaves. They will lead you to believe and the media is writing it now Joe’s amazing first term, saving us from Trump and he returned jobs. And if Joe leaves, who will be the media darling that will continue Joe’s amazing presidency. The media will manipulate the American people that it's not Joe policies that they don’t like, it's his age. Will Joe pat Gavin on the back and will the media make you believe that Gavin won the election when stolen. No one will believe that Joe won again.

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