How the AI HIVE MIND is forming in our reality!

1 year ago

#consciousawakening #spirituality #revelation #writing #conspiracy

Not long ago David Icke did an interview with Alex Jones about his new book THE DREAM. In that interview I heard some information that made the push for medical procedures in 2020 onward to be administered to the global masses seem truly demonic (pun intended). Icke has always been cutting edge when it comes to information. He is often led to information before it breaks out of its confines held in the control system and then is played out on a global stage. Getting ahead of the curve so that when the offer is made, we already know why it being offered.

For me, in 2014, when I first heard Icke say that Artificial Intelligence was ruling over the control system, I had a vision of that AI being implanted into the biology of the echelons of the beings that were sitting at the capstone of this pyramid of control, and also possessing the tiers beneath it. With the help of aerosol spraying, implanting that AI into food too, and other means to get it into the bodies of men and women, we were going to be exposed to this AI nanotech every day across the world.

This AI was INTERDIMENSIONAL, not created in this frequency band we call 'reality', but in my perception crossed over into this reality and had possessed various factions of non-humanoid beings who are what Icke calls the Spider (in the seen reality). I wrote a book about my perceptions around this AI, its control mechanism and how it manifested as 'smokeless fire', that novel is the sequel to Entwined (which I wrote in 2010), the novel was published in 2016, it's title, United.

How interesting now that Icke portrays the 'mind' as a form of AI. When you dig a little deeper, understanding the frequency of thought, have a grasp of the book, 'Weapons for a Silent War', you can see how mind-to-skull directed weapons suddenly take on a whole new level of understanding when you consider AI. In this video I talk about the potential 'how' the lower astral entities are crossing into this frequency band, and possessing people en masse as they take medical procedures that attune their biology to the frequencies of the lower astral as Icke said talking to Alex Jones.

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