Silent War Ep. 6341: Trump - Babykiller, Ukraine Ethnic Cleansing Whites, UFO Psyops:CIA

1 year ago

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Half a Million Dead as Ukraine Cracks Down on Gangs Helping Ukrainian Men to Dodge Military Draft – Move Comes as Conscription Goes Into Overdrive, Mobilizing the Old, the Infirm and even Women and Children.

Woman Euthanized in Belgium Heard Screaming by Loved Ones as She was Suffocated by Pillow

Trump says that it’s a “terrible thing” to sign a heartbeat abortion bill such as the ones passed in FL, IA, OH, GA etc.

Alleged mummified alien corpses displayed at Mexico's Congress, suspected to be 1,000 years old.

ANOTHER Explosion At Major US Food Processing Plant Leaves at Least 8 Workers Injured – Corn, Soy Processing Down

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask Mandates Ineffective Against Respiratory Viruses, Harmful, and Infringe on Informed Consent Rights

Niger on the Brink of War: Arrest of French Official Ignites Tensions – Macron Does Not Recognize the Junta Leaders – Nigerien Military Says France Massing Troops and Equipment in Neighboring Countries

Vaxxed Shrimp - ViAqua Therapeutics, an Israeli-based biotechnology startup, has secured $8.25 million in funding for its oral RNA-based shrimp vaccine

CAUGHT - director of the CIA telling the director of psychological strategy board to use UFO'S as psyops

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