We will Not Rest Until These Crimes Are Stopped -There is NO "Charter Rights" "NO 'Constitution" No "Bill of Rights ". which was NEVER ratified

1 year ago

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Dana Metcalfe - Good Morning Newfoundland + Labrador

These are a list of some of the union support list against march for saving the children... borrowed from l-l tt on rumble. Not sure if all the spelling is proper due to the quality of the video but I will be sharing these name in my groups to watch for infiltrators . Martin Peilly, Jean-Lois Hebert, Sarah Small, Laura Walton Cupe, Candace Jazvac,PIPSC, Marina Ferraz, Morgan Dandie, Kim Kent, Anthony Marco, Susan Knabe, Vanessa Stoby, Erin Caton, Jessica Best, Heidi Dietrich, Chris McConnell, Julie Stanley, Alec Mullender, Kevin Smith, Andrew Russo, Summeiya Khamissa, Mona Staples, Vicky Smallman (Gov), James Clark, John R Batasar, JP Hornick, Kevin Matthews, Garrett Metcalle, Tanice Donaldson, Shirley Bell, Sean McKenny, Holly Grandberg, Rob Halpin (organnizer), Chandra Li Paul, Robics Ottawa, Amanda Javitz, Patty Clancy, Chris Cowley, Nigel Morton, Janna El-Daly, Sharron Divine, Mallory Lmrie, Michael Galita, Janice Folk-Dawson, Patty Coales, Peter Volsch, Patti Dalton, Norina Coales, Emily Quaile, Tracey Mackie V, Kim Ohearn, Rein Gaton, Connor Pierotti, James Clark, Jean Lois Herbert, Shandelle Maxwell, Susan Knabe, Mehdi Kouhestani, Nasr Ahmed, Peter Macdonald, Jack Copple, Rachel L, Jenn Eckert, Amit Tandon, Christina, Galem Crampsey, Tory Dockree, Gail Brimecom, Teresa Golf, Shelly Jan, Jacob Evoy, CUPW Hamilton, Berry Bedford, SCFP 4299, Nicole Paroyan, Lee Harding, Tracey Germa, Summeiya Khamissa, Audra Williams, Archana @ OPSEU.


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