14,000 MSL

1 year ago

Just documenting the flight this time, no deep edits.

I was going to shamelessly title this "the 14er", but have decided to leave that title for folks that actually do 14ers. I can't imagine any of them are watching this so, for the unschooled, #14er is a term used by outdoorsy #hikers and #climbers for when they summit a mountain at least 14,000 feet high.

This flight is from the first of two off days I had in Colorado. Flying @FalconRadFPV's #falcon7 frame with @gorillalink's #900mhz #diversity #elrs receiver. My original plan was to hike six or so miles to somewhere close to Abyss Lake where I'd skim Mt. Evans and the mountain next to it. The problem with my plan for that day was Abyss Lake is somewhere around 10,000 to 12,000 MSL and I'm not acclimated to that altitude. I made it four and a half, or five miles in to about 9,000 MSL. Either way I've never put any of my gear up that high and so this was a test to see how well the Gorilla Link RX would do, and the #caddx #vista with no #rf to interfere. To that, all I can say is the Vistas are now all sold off and #hdzero is now my #vtx system. I've already ordered another Gorilla Link diversity receiver for my next long range drone.

The thumbnail is a glimpse of Abyss Lake. You can see on the descent I did not get remotely close. Flight characteristics are really different at that altitude as there is so little air for the props to work with. I have not yet selected motors for my next long range build, but they will be beefier, lower #KV, and for high altitude I'll put pitchier props on. I run whatever FalconRad recommends

Freestyle Setup:
QAV-S 5" Frame (non-JB Edition)
Mamba F7APP Stack
2.4Ghz ELRS RX
2405 1800Kv Xing2 Motors
iFlight Nazgul 5140 Props
Goodbye DJI, HDZero is now installed.

Cinewhoop Build:
Luma30 Frame
T-Motor 2203.5 1850Kv Motors
Iflight Beast AIO
ELRS 900mhz RX

Long Range
Falcon7 Frame
Mamba F7APP Stack
ECOII 2806 1500Kv Motors
GorillaLink ELRS 900Mhz Diversity RX
Goodbye DJI, HDZero is now on the rig
GPS is the smaller flavor of the two sizes

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