Hybrid Life - "Zero" Live Feed #1 [Restricted Area] 9/19/2023

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By watching, you are legally visiting "*Zero". 15 minutes simulated driving time required. Limit 2 hour visits. You must make your presence known or discontinue watching. Watching this stream longer than 2 minutes legally counts as you having met Zero and or other members
Grave Warning: Restricted cyberspace. Trespassing or eavesdropping is forbidden. 150+ years prison to watch this livestream unwelcome or uninvited by Zero.
Security Clearances Required: Must be limited or full marital partners of "*Zero" meaning fiancee or married in order to watch and only after express permission. This stream is intended to be a live feed, live camera, or live stream of "*Zero" and his private life with other Hybrids of pre, introductory, early, or any stage of Domestic Relationship Legal Living Status with "*Zero".
*Watching if not invited is extremely illegal and constitutes breaking, entering, and trespassing into Zero's home or other classified areas by default.
No screen recording permitted. Do not share this streams location. Chat logs will not be saved. Video on demand replays will not be saved.
*Making presence known and or chatting earns you points towards Pre Domestic Partner or Domestic Partnership statuses. We define Domestic Partner as pre marital or marital significant other living with me 4 days a week for at least 60 days. Marriage and Domestic Partnerships are mutually exclusive each with their own conditions and timelines.

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