Outlast 1 part 2: Prison Block | Gameplay Walkthrough

1 year ago

Outlast isn’t scary because of what it lets you see, but rather it’s what it doesn’t show you that makes it so terrifying. Making expert use of lighting, shadows, and sound-effects, this survival-horror will have you fearing for the unsettling darkness one minute and running into it for safety the next. Each step you take gradually builds tension--creating a sense of impending doom, even--which explodes when you least expect it and makes for a torturously gratifying experience.

You play as Miles Upshur, an investigative journalist looking to uncover the truth behind a recently re-opened asylum and its questionable activities. Armed with nothing more than his night vision camcorder, Miles is just your average silent protagonist. Outlast is less about his development and more about your own exploration and survival once you’re in the asylum.

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