2022-03-21 - MPS Board Meeting - Renita's Public Comments

1 year ago

Here is a link to the full meeting: https://youtu.be/60plUWLmxpQ

This is a summary of my comments:
Good evening. This Board with the help of our local publications has done all it can to keep the general public from knowing what has been going on and the ways you are not open and transparent. You have cut our time from 5 minutes to 3 minutes, even when there are very few speakers, which was your original justification for cutting the time. But I guess now that the new Bylaw is in place, you won’t give that time back. It continues the trend of less and less transparency and open communication with the community.

When I began attending meetings back in July last year, I noticed frequent references at meetings to not following the Bylaws. I didn’t understand why the Bylaws weren’t being followed, at least not all of them. We were held to restrictions in the Bylaws, but the Board wasn’t. So I asked some legal experts and found my answer. As I’m sure you know, having your own resident lawyer on the Board, there is nothing that can be done ‘legally’ if you don’t follow your Bylaws. They are there to govern your business, but don’t have to be followed legally.

I guess this all now makes sense why parents and community members reference Bylaws and you just sit there and ignore all of us. It is important to let the community know a few things. You take an Oath that says that your will ‘faithfully discharge the duties of the office.’ Apparently the duties of the office in your book are not to follow ALL of the Bylaws and Policies of the Midland Public School District. You leverage them against the public, but don’t adhere to them yourselves.
Also, the public comment agenda item’s last paragraph is somewhat threatening says:

Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by the comments. While it is not the District's intent to stifle public comment, speakers should be aware that if statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy, the speaker may be held legally responsible. If the speaker is unsure of the legal ramifications of what they are about to say, the District urges them to consult first with a legal advisor.

Can I ask why the Superintendent was allowed to publicly call me a liar and spreader of misinformation at the last meeting, but was not stopped by the Board President?

Another case of elected officials that operate in an environment of it is good for thee, but not for we.’ Let everyone be aware of your lack of desire to follow your governing documents, when you find them inconvenient. We want elected officials that do the right thing all the time, not just when they can be legally held responsible.

Apparently at MPS bullying starts at the top!

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