The Moon is on full display in this section of Cosmic Cycle

1 year ago

The Moon is on full display in this section of Cosmic Cycles.

“Cosmic Cycles: A Space Symphony" is a groundbreaking collaboration between acclaimed composer Henry Dehlinger, NASA, and the National Philharmonic, featuring a unique fusion of music and video in seven multimedia works on the Sun, Earth, Moon, Planets, and Cosmos. This transformative project takes the audience on a captivating voyage through the universe, showcasing the beauty and power of the marriage between music and science.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Producer: David Ladd (AIMM)
Visualizer: Ernie Wright (USRA)
Executive Producer: Wade Sisler (NASA/GSFC)
Music Composer: Henry Dehlinger (National Philharmonic)
To learn more visit:

Credit: NASATo learn more visit:

Credit: NASA

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