Discovering Tooth Regeneration: A Breakthrough in Dental Care | Future Technology & Science News 344

1 year ago

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As adults, our teeth can't grow back once they're damaged or lost. This means that any problems like cavities or missing #teeth are permanent. That's why it's crucial to take good care of our teeth.

However, there's some exciting news on the horizon. Scientists are planning clinical trials for a new treatment that could help regrow teeth, and these trials are set to start in July 2024. If these trials are successful, we might have medicines to regrow teeth by 2030.

The researchers leading this effort, from Kitano Hospital in Japan, focus on a rare condition called #anodontia, which prevents teeth from growing properly. Initially, they'll target children with this condition, but later on, this treatment could help people with common dental issues like gum disease.

It's a dream come true for dentists, and they've been working hard to make it happen.



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