Inside Emma Roberts

1 year ago

Clay had to replay the game because his saves were corrupt / time to gat some monkeys / Rebecca's thicc thighs / he spat up the stairs at me / YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT / there's another spider? / pull a spider out of her bitch parts / burping / cho has been ignoring clay for ten minutes / if I masturbate during the day, the rest of the day is just d'gone / Cho had to use a save editor to continue playing / hand gun farts / I should not have hit that button! / oh my god monkeys oh my god / get off me you fuck sack! / debating the return of the monkey save room / these games are amazing without tank controls / ClayYo stroke / he said "nads" / Michael Ducockney / you ever suck a big ween? / Rebecca is getting spit on / spiders are twerkalating on the floor / flipping their wangers around / you ever see a woman in a night gown and say "imma put some cum in ya?" / "Papa gon put some cum in ya" / I hate when I leave my seed on the ground / man that's a sexy hot pistol / DO NOT DO THIS WITH ANY FIREARM / PICK UP THE FUCKING GAS CAN, I WANT THE GAS CAN, I SAID PICK UP THE GAS CAN / I SAID I PICKED IT UP ALREADY / I swear to CHRIST! / sad doors / A salad fingers appears and then clay finds another salad man / Get off of me you salad fuck / you ever wanna pump some cum into Emma Roberts? / TO BE CONTINUED

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Ending Theme: "Game On!" By The Heatley Bros:

Monopoly Guy:

#gaming #letsplay #clayyoandcho

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