Mr. Shi Banyu, the voice actor for Stephen Chow, claims that his studio was forcibly demolished

1 year ago

9/18/2023 An online video shows that on September 18, 2023, Mr. Shi Banyu, the voice actor of Stephen Chow, posted a video asking for help, saying that the studio he rented in Gaobeidian, Hebei Province, was forcibly demolished by an unknown unit. At that time, he paid 40 years of rent as required. After 10 years of use, he can only get back 10 years of rent. The CCP consistently disregards the rights and property of Chinese people while changing its directives at will!
#forceddemolition #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/18/2023 网上视频显示,2023年9月18日周星驰御用配音演员石班瑜先生发视频求助称自己在河北省高碑店租的工作室遭不明单位强拆。当年他按规定交了40年的租金,用了10年之后,如今却只能拿回10年的租金。中共国朝令夕改,践踏老百姓权利和财产的行为无处不在!
#强拆 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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