12 Minute Intermediate Ab Workout Follow-Along

1 year ago

This comprehensive workout features 12 exercises, each lasting 45 seconds, with a 15-second break. Apart from the final exercise, the 6-Inch Hold with Crunch Hold will challenge you for a full minute!

Remember, it's okay to take breaks when you need to. If you can't complete the full 45 seconds, complete what you can and take a break. You can even resume if there is a little more time remaining, or simply take the extra break as needed.

Workout Overview: This full-length 12-minute follow-along abs video allows you to follow along with us as we execute each exercise, followed by a break, in which we preview the upcoming exercise. 1. Half Circles Leg Lifts 2. Knee Tucks to Hip Lifts
3. Seated Rows 4. Stretch Out Crunches 5. Alt Single-Leg Toe Reaches
6. Crunch Peak Holds 7. Knee Tucks 8. Plank Alt Arm and Leg Lifts
9. Plank Oblique Touches 10. Left Side Thread the Needle Plank
11. Right Side Thread the Needle Plank 12. 6-Inch Hold with Crunch Hold

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