now's the time to be single n depressed, ain't it

1 year ago

i had to switch cds finally
now i look super cool
i can't wear the soft contact lenses cos of my stigmatism
i just hate what the internet does to people
i've been mispronouncing schizotypal this whole time
my eyes are dilated so i just look high
it's all too easy to be arrogant
why would i be entitled to my opinion or my feelings, they are mine that ain't entitlement
i can't have your perspective cos i'm not you
confirmation bias is so severe, man
i had to accept being hated for my opinion
what chu think of me is none of my business
if i wanted the world's approval don't chu think that my lifestyle would be way different
don't do what i'm doing n gloat about dying alone
don't encourage me to want what i'm not prone to want
just cos you don't understand don't make it wrong
that time i went to school wearing socker socks...
amy can't fail either, damnit
i drank booze for breakfast, lunch, dinner AND snacks
for if i yet pleased men, i should not be the servant of Christ
art has to be selfish
even women can be funny
critics gon criticize, just say what chu want

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