1 year ago

U B Ready
PO Box 579
Rutland VT 05702


U B Ready





Revelation 3:14-17
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:


During prayer, I had a vision where I was very high looking down at the North American continent.  I could see all of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.  My attention was brought to the northern and southern of the United States, and due to the high distance that I was at, I saw what looked to me like millions of tiny specks from Canada and Mexico pouring across the borders into America.  They just kept pouring in and looked as if there was no end to these specks crossing the borders.  Then after they crossed over, they spread out all over the United States.  The vision ended.

I then asked the Lord what are these specks?  And He said, "Evil men with evil intents to disrupt all areas of this nation.  So it is with My body - INFILTRATORS coming into the body to cause chaos and doubt."


These INFILTRATORS have been allowed to come into this nation TO BRING JUDGMENT on a wicked and corrupt generation.  They have come through the open, unwalled cities to bring chaos and destruction to a blind people.  The people of Mystery Babylon have been deceived into believing they are doing a righteous work - but instead they have allowed the enemy into the camp.

My son, the INFILTRATORS have come into My house under various names, but the worse attacks come from those who call themselves by My name.  They have seduced My children into believing a lie and focus all their praise to being wealthy in this life. 

They are called by many names, but you know them as New Apostolic Reformation.  They twist My word and cause many to fall by the wayside, believing the lies spoken by lying spirits.  They have infiltrated and polluted My body to keep them lukewarm.  REPENT NOW AND COME OUT OF HER. 

My son, the INFILTRATORS have taken over the government of this nation.  They are anti-Christ and will bring about the judgments I have proclaimed for many years through many voices. 

They have INFILTRATED the education system, corrupting the minds of the children.  They have expelled Me out and allowed the demonic in.  They have INFILTRATED the commerce of this nation and allowed all sorts of evil to pollute the airwaves with all forms of wickedness.  They have taken My promise and twisted it to represent their lifestyle.

My son, ONLY THOSE who have come out of the great whore will be wise and seek Me through My Word and prayer.  They have built strong walls to keep the INFILTRATORS out. 

I say now, REPENT and SEEK ONLY ME in spirit and truth.  Do not fall victim to the INFILTRATORS who come in looking like lambs - but really are wolves.  They mock Me and My power by dancing, laughing, and acting foolish on stage - then say it is I causing this.  REPENT NOW, you wicked and evil men. 

I say - allow Me to INFILTRATE your heart and allow My Holy Spirit to teach you in truth.  Seek Me daily in prayer, and I will guide your path.

Lord Jesus

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